Paddy in Poland Reviewed in Wprost Magazine
Well holy be to jaysus, as they blasphemously utter every now and again back in my neck of the woods of Ireland.
Being evaluated as one of the five best English language blogs in Poland by Wprost magazine's English section had me scratching my bald patch furiously wondering whether there were any more than five English blogs in Poland in the first place.
I suppose it can only be a good thing to ruffle mainstream journalist's feathers to the point that they decide to review your blog, so for that I am indebted to Rory Boland. Critical feedback is always welcome for what Rory deems half-witted one man anti-war crusaders - whether his comments were meant as derogatory, cynical, or as a plain honest assessment of my character is open to interpretation.
But Rory is right on one thing, I really should stop bitching about the usual crap like missiles, war, George Bush, roads dissecting protectwed forests, etc. and start
composing lyrical pieces on real bread and butter issues. So my next few posts might just happen to touch on subjects ranging from the how to avert your biscuits from becoming incontrovertibly over-soggy when you dip them in your piping hot mug of tea, to the latest perfume range from Jean Paul Gaultier in H&M, and furthermore a step by step guide on how to repair them never-endingly appearing holes that pop up out of nowhere in your best pair of Calvin Klein socks. That ought to broaden my horizons.
And just as a matter of clarification, I'm not anti-globalisation (a dumb-drum meaningless media coined term if ever there was one) but alter-globalisation. And why does one have to be labelled 'against the existence of the U.S.' when they actually argue against the enormous sums the U.S. government spend on militarism as opposed to education and healthcare, for example?
It might serve said bullshitter-blogger well to remember that Ireland needs not rhetoric but actions that satisfy thier aims and not some innate persecution complex.
Please spare this Irishman in Poland this pathetic diatribe of would-be martrydom.
So I suppose you are 'a theory into action man' Barry. You set up the usual cynical trap. Do something and reflect on it then lay yourself get called 'egotistical' or a 'would-be martyr'. Do nothing and then you are just full of 'rhetoric' with 'an innate perscution complex'.
Ireland needs rhetoric not actions - what actions?
And if you knew anything about the groups/actions I've been involved with then your comment would not seem so dumbassed and ill-informed.
If you don't deem my activism as 'real activism' or 'worthwhile activism' then enlighten us.
Constructive criticism is always welcome.
So lets here from you Barry, how can we all follow your example and I can abandon my current travels to middle east refugee camps and give up this pathetic diatribe.
Or maybe you are just too busy saving Poland from their political misfits.