Prince Willy loses his Mojo....Next Up - The Crown!
With all due respect to the couple and the difficult period they as human beings must now be going through, I really could not help myself and desist from writing an entry on the fact that Prince William of Britian has broken up with his girlfriend, Kate Midleton.
"Who cares?....."
you may ask - and well, I tend to agree wholeheartedly. So why then am I wasting my and your cyber time writing about this when acres of print and broadcast journalism will overanalyse it to the point where we are bored to our tits of ever having developed optical and audible capacities. Alright, I'm using a little hyperbole here, but you know what I mean in this pop-star/VIP fuelled media world that invades our thoughts from many fronts at once. The reason I'm writing about it is one-fold. Plainly and Simply: I ain't a fan of the Mon-archy!
Amicably Abolish the Monarchy
The 24 year old second-in-line to the British throne has allegedly devoted a lot of time to his army career, while the incessant media pressure seems to have pissed both of them off to the point of acceding to an "amicable agreement" to end their relationship. Jaysus, "an amicable agreement"! Such diplomatic use of language epitomises the pain in the whole that is the media and society's deference to things royal in Britian. An institution way past its' sell-by-date, that should be dissolved and its' assets reinvested in supporting the improvement of public infrastructure throughout deprived areas of Britian, as well as a pound or two being granted to charities/grassroots communities labouring under the many burdens which the British empire legacy has left in its' wake.
De-monarchising Britain
Give Charles a crown of recycled aluminium, transform Buckingham into a greenbelt area (Ok, Ok, I know it's of historical significance, but how about we house the homeless and asylum seekers there instead?).
Mint/Recycle the monarchic currency over a few decades if you will, stripping it of the queen's head. Ensure all new food products no longer have that ridiculous royal imprimatur on them and direct all taxes formerly oriented towards the Queen's coffers into children's playgrounds, special needs resources for schoolchildren, and/or the preservation/renovation of dilapidated public school infrastructure, to name but a few areas that would benefit from extra dosh.
If William is so enthusiastic about being a member of the British army then ask him to put his ass on the line on one of the last patches and frontiers of the British Empire still standing - uuh,aaam,eerr - oh yeah, that's it, somewhere like the Maldives. Alright, there's a few other half-arsed places clinging to the former Empire, but 'tis more out of pragmatism than a belief in the divine right of kings and queens.
Aaah, well that would be more democratic alright - that is, to decide on whether the monarchy should be scuppered and their members reduced to that 'base level' of ordinary human beings and actually working for a living. But the fact of the matter is that these people and this institution is wholly undemocratic by it's intrinsically hierarchical nature, unjust origin and blood-soaked history; has never had it's members elected by the general public, whose centuries of labour has granted them privileges of living a heavenly paradise of affluence on earth; and most importantly to progressives who have no desire to stoop nor bow to golden crowns and sparkling jewels whose geneaology are smudged with stains of exploitation, their women wear silly hats (and horse-race going women follow suit) and criminally expensive jewellery while the males play stupid games and with respect to King-to-be Charlie-boy, fly half way round the world dozens of times to talk about his concern re. global warming.
Vote if you will, keep it if you will, but just don't expect me and my ilk to write any more blogs convincing you how good an idea it would be to peg the whole institution into the Irish sea alongside Sellafield's nuclear waste;))Then at least Kate and Willie may have a chance to resurrect their relationship without all the stink that creeps around their roles in society.
But monarchism ain’t what it used to be. It’s now just a branch of celebrity culture. Puke.
Sad thing about the UK is that people have much less respect for the monarchy but there is no corresponding rise in Republicanism. That’s a sign of a apolitical times, sadly.
I could see the abolishment of the monarchy if it kept producing tosspots like Charlie but people like Diana did a great disservice (despite her admirable charity work) in many ways by sticking with and reconstructing the myth of society's princesses being tragically VIP arousing empathy amongst the shite TV-programme viewing classes.
What also annoys me is that people like Rowan Williams, a good liberal theologian, takes up the crozier and goes along to get along with the flowing robes.
The British monarchy are in bad need of an absconding - maybe Willy will fall in love with an Iranian or something.......