Polish Political Gobshiteism Reaches New Low

The Inevitability of Parliamentary Skullduggery
The Polish parliament has a lot of eejits in its midst, and Artur Zawisza is certainly in the top ten. Usually it would be the reserve of extreme right-wing MP's from the League of Polish Families to come up with the most ludicrous notions for legislation, but it seems like Zawisza who recently left the governing Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (Law and Justice) party to help establish the more right-wing Prawica Rzeczypospolitej (Right of the Republic)is putting himself in pole position for the 2007 prize of political absurdity. Trying to out-right the right usually makes you look like a right fool - and Zawisza's battle against the devil in short skirts and low tops is an indication of the levels of crapology that have befallen the parliamentary scene here.

Lead us not into Temptation.....
....but put in chains all those who have nice asses, amen! The conservative Catholic lawmaker has proposed the introduction of legislation against "sexual temptation" which may include penalties for wearing miniskirts or heavy make-up as well as low-cut or see-through blouses. This of course begs the question, just how mini is mini, how heavy would the make-up have to be, and whether a woman with erect nipples in winter time could be persecuted for breaching the no see-through blouse stipulation!

Cover your Bust - Buy a Burqa
According to Monday's edition of Newsweek Polska magazine, he is on a crusade partly to eradicate the vice trade along Poland's highways, by restricting working girls preferred items of clothing. Newsweek Polska added that he has been lobbying the Justice Ministry for some months to introduce such a bill. However even Zawisza admitted that the plans could ignite confusion, commenting:
"It could well happen that a good-looking young girl could be arrested on her way home from a disco," he said, insisting however that he trusted in the abilities of police to distinguish between "respectable women and those with loose morals."

Ladies and Gentlemen of Poland, it's time to lock up your daughters, purge their wardrobes, and head to Afghanistan to get a couple of burqas to cover them up from head to toe. But on a more serious note, how in the name of knee-length skirts can such assholes get elected when they have such ridiculous concepts of infringing people's basic right to dress in whatever manner they choose. Why can we not get an MP to come up with a bill that would restrict people from wearing clothes which were made through exploitative labour? I'm sure many of us would detest the truth behind the label if it were part and parcel of our critical mindset and shopping purchase criteria.

Orwellian Desexualisation Police
The sooner Zawisza returns back to the boy scouts from whence he came the better for all of us. Come to think of it, would his new law mean that Polish tennis players would have to wear trousers whilst playing? Would swimming stars have to don out in swim suits that show no flesh apart from tootsies, neck and head? Maybe he should put a clause in to stop women from shaving their legs in order to stifle sexual temptation? Or even better, set up a Sexual Temptation Monitoring Squad - I'm sure the fascists from ONR and All Polish Youth would be the first recruits.


varus said…
I do enjoy reading your posts! They are always entertaining and very well written.


As far as the legislation goes; well it reminded me of that famous court case in Britain Judge Pickles

"His most notorious case involved giving a lenient sentence to a rapist on the grounds that the victim had "asked for it"."

This has a similar flavour, removing the onus on the male to control their urges or thoughts. This is exactly the same as Islamic treatment of women. Does this idiot thing that prostitution only began in the 1960's with the invention of the mini-skirt and women's liberation.
Damien Moran said…
Yes, thanks for the reference to info. on that insane case. I remember reading about it when I was in Ireland. Stomach-turning bile.

One of the most interesting cases of christian fruitcakes trying to suppress human sexual urges was the man who created the Industrialised west's daily choice of breakfast cereals - Dr. Harvey J. Kellog. His obsession, shared by others in the scientific community at the time, with the links between moral living and nutrition inspired him to create nutritionally focussed food products that families could use on a daily basis. A kind of covert mechanism to repress the hormonal craziness amongst pre-pubescents, pubescents and adults alike so that they would fall for the sins of the flesh. The proverbial Jesuit dictate of 'give me the child to the age of seven and I'll give you the man (woman)' may have rung through for Harvey's philosophical dietics (Is that a word?).
beatroot said…
Apparently, all the roadside pros were getting tape measures out. And expect a fashion of bell bottomed loons and track suits among the ladies of the night.

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