'Sicko' - Michael Moore Runs Into Trouble Again

In hot water
Michael Moore's new documentary film 'Sicko', an acute incision of the U.S. health service, received it's first viewing in Cannes today. I for one am really looking forward to seeing it - any political documentary deemed worthy of being impounded by the U.S. gvt. authorities has got to be worth viewing. Doug Larson's witty comment that "life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon" raises a smile, yet surely an essential component of the health package is that it should be affordable and accessible to all.

Moore's dissenting voice
I think Moore's films to date, notably 'Roger and Me', 'Bowling for Columbine' and 'Farenheit 11', have done a great service to the public by encapsulating some of the many problems that go to the core of exposing corporate irresponsibility and criminality, and the institutionalised and imperialist violence of U.S. society and their current and past gvt's. The Guardian reported that Moore travelled to the Caribbean island "with a group of emergency workers from New York's Ground Zero to see whether they would receive better care under the Castro regime than they had under George Bush." He had applied for permission to travel but received no reply. Months after his return he was warned by the U.S. Treasury Dept. that he was being investigated for unlicensed travel to Cuba.

Moore told Variety that "others see themselves as a collective that sinks or swims together. It's important to have a safety net and free universal health care. In America, unfortunately, we're more focused on what's in it for me. It's every man for himself. If you're sick and have lost a job, it's not my problem. Don't bother me." A very pertinent point that rings true for millions of people in the U.S. who are suffering due to a cut-throat system. As bad as our health systems fare up, with national strikes in both Poland and Ireland currently on the loom, thankfully we don't have to face the ridicuously unfair medical system turmoil that exists in the wealthiest country in the world.

The Gospel according to Homer
Homer Simpson once wisely muttered, "America's health care system is second only to Japan ... Canada, Sweden, Great Britain ... well, all of Europe. But you can thank your lucky stars we don't live in Paraguay!" Interestingly, even Poland has recently attracted patients from the U.S. health system, who, keen to scale the waiting ladder and get value for their dollar have flown thousands of miles to have their ailments mended. Unforunately, at the same time, it has also found itself in a pitiable situation whereby it's medical professionals have been emigrating due to their poor wages, working conditions, etc.

When health is absent.......
....wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. Well, I'm sure you guessed it wasn't George Walker who coined this phrase, but maybe Herophilus gives us an insight into a qymptom of the politically sick absurdity that is U.S. politics.
Whether Moore's latest piece of documentative journalism has an impact on the U.S. public, helping to swing them away from renewing the Republican's license to misrule, remains to be seen. One thing is for certain though, it should be quite entertaining stuff to see Mike prance around in his bermudas and shitty looking t-shirt in the sweltering heat of the Cuban sun.

Sicko will make its theatrical debut on June 29th.

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990


Anonymous said…
You really have no idea what you are talking about. Go to the US and educate yourself about the citizens... please. Your misguided assumptions about US society is sickening and sad.
Damien Moran said…
a)I've been to the States (twice)
b)I have many relations living there
c)I have many U.S. friends here in Europe
d)You're obviously an asshole
e) I'll debate you further if you take off your mask and don't hide in cyber-space. Otherwise, go eat a Big Mac!
f)uck off!

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