Spicy Polish kebab drives Swiss tourist crazy
I've forgotten to write an apolitical post for a while so here it goes.
I don't know about you folks but some people are really anal about their food and will to be serviced efficiently. Sometimes I'm a little like that, for example, when I haven't eaten for four days, have no access to a kitchen, and desperately need some grub to munch on or my stomach will implode with the growling noises of hunger.
So here's a little advice for any of you thinking of coming to Krakow, Poland's beautiful cultural capital - please go easy on the kebab sellers. One just had a really tough time with a vicious little Swiss man recently.
After receiving a kebab that was too spicy too his liking, he refused the seller's apology and offer of a replacement that would be more mild on his palate. Instead, he started to fling knives at the innocent worker (whether they were steel or plastic is uncertain), breaking his glasses and shocking the poor, hapless kebab hut attendant.
He then reportedly fled the scene only to return soon after looking like Edward Scissorhands. He the four more knives at the seller but thankfully his aim was brutal (the Swiss being neutral and all that) so he missed each time. What an ass!
By this stage local police, who are evidently fond of spicy kebabs, decided to detain the 34 year old man for further questioning about his shite targeting and weird request for a mild kebab.
Pretty weird, huh?